Oddly, one of the first hurdles would be to expand the stadium one step closer to its eventual capacity of 30,000. FBS requires a minimum average attendance of 15,000. I'm not sure what the build-out schedule looks like anymore, especially given the presence of the EFAC, but adding an upper deck on the east side – there's a reason the concession/restroom buildings are large rectangles – would certainly get the capacity there.

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This stadium was built with expansion in mind. That's why it's a sunken bowl that doesn't need to be touched. Just add the new structure above. 30,000 is pretty much the bare minimum of what's necessary, but even that won't be enough if the Aggies start playing an FBS schedule every week. The enthusiasm and energy would be off the charts. Imagine Army or Navy coming to town. Or Boise. Or even Cal and Stanford.

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30,000 would be plenty. No, it's not power 5-sized, but it doesn't need to be. A 30K-seat stadium would put UC Davis on par with Tulane, FAU, Nevada, Vandy and Tulsa. The Wolf Pack drew 14,960 for Boise's visit in 2022, 21,431 in 2018, although they did have some overflowing crowds prior to that. But even the 2006 game, when Boise entered at 11-0 and No. 12 in the country, drew "only" 25,506.

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I hoped you might address this! Thanks.

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Couldn't pass it up, Mike.

I'm sure there will much more in the days ahead.

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…it’s the perennial weighing of odds (for success)⚖️…should I keep that gym membership, or buy that new car? What’s the risk/reward…and the ROI? The PAC-12 is flattering…so is MW (although is it a downgrade in amenities and/or trim package options?) And… will they still be there, if/when we arrive? 🎶“Don’t it always seem to go…that ya don’t know what ya got ‘til it’s gone…?”🤔

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Good points, Bill.

But how did you know my car is worth about the same as a gym membership?

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I call it, “What else could I have done with that money?” If you add up the monthly dues Xs the number years you haven’t used the gym…you may find you could’ve bought a car, by now🤦🏻‍♂️

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I meant my car is worth about one month of a gym membership

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I figured that might be what you meant…I was just qualifying what I meant…(given the dues, over time…gone unused). Y’know what they say, “Pain + time = comedy!”

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Great column as always Bob. We discussed this and more on “Aggie Pride: A UC Davis Football Podcast,” this week. We were honored to have Bob join us a few weeks ago as well! https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ucdavisfootball

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Thanks Brock.

Your Aggie pride football podcast is a complete winner and a "must listen" for all Aggie fans. Was an honor to be on with you.

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My two cents Mountain West.

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Lot more likely to be sure

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This stuff was unthinkable twenty years ago. Sheesh. Go Aggies!

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